The Argonaut Interview STAYING TRUE
“I had to chart my own course" The Argonaut January 6, 2022 https://argonautnews.com/staying-true/
Across the Floors of Silent Seas Robert Miller Interview
Across the Floors of Silent Seas YouTube Video Interview Join gallery director, Robert Miller, for a chat with artist Marischa Slusarski to open her solo show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq6ZaUmNkuA&t=11s
Marischa Slusarski‘s new series, “Across the Floors of Silent Seas,” is a riotous convergence of form and color explored through large-scale abstract paintings, 3-D collages, and augmented digital photos. Slusarski employs seemingly discordant materials and [...]
Creative News

Wordpress News
The Argonaut Interview STAYING TRUE
“I had to chart my own course" The Argonaut January 6, 2022 https://argonautnews.com/staying-true/
Photography News
The Argonaut Interview STAYING TRUE
“I had to chart my own course" The Argonaut January 6, 2022 https://argonautnews.com/staying-true/
Across the Floors of Silent Seas Robert Miller Interview
Across the Floors of Silent Seas YouTube Video Interview Join gallery director, Robert Miller, for a chat with artist Marischa Slusarski to open her solo show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq6ZaUmNkuA&t=11s
Marischa Slusarski‘s new series, “Across the Floors of Silent Seas,” is a riotous convergence of form and color explored through large-scale abstract paintings, 3-D collages, and augmented digital photos. Slusarski employs seemingly discordant materials and [...]
The Woolfer Visual Arts Lab
Who we are… The Woolfer Fine Arts Lab is a virtual support group designed to help creatives unite. We are a community offering accountability, friendship and purpose. We share ideas and challenges, explore new [...]